Berks Spring Assault 3:
April 21, 2012
Date: April 21, 2012
Time: Registration 9:00am-9:45am
Location: Riveredge Banquet Center, 2017 Bernville Rd, Reading PA 19601
Warhammer 40,0000 tournament: 1000 points. 4 rounds of Warhammer 40K, Catered Lunch is included.
Entry Fee: $45. Pre-registration discounted price: $40 if pre-registered by April 10th, 2012.
Berks-PA Gaming Club Elite members get an additional $5 discount with club member card shown.
We are planning on being able to host 70 players, but can expand to more if needed. Based upon last year's attendance, that could happen.
Tournament Packet Available for download by clicking here: Berks Spring Assault 3 Rules Packet
We are planning on being able to host 70 players, but can expand to more if needed. Based upon last year's attendance, that could happen.
Tournament Packet Available for download by clicking here: Berks Spring Assault 3 Rules Packet
We here are Berks-PA Gaming Club will be hosting our third round of Berks Spring Assault. Each year this event grows and becomes even more of a fun party than the previous year.
Sportsmanship will be key to scoring this year, as much as last year. Details will be posted once we finalize all tournament information. One thing we pride ourselves on, especially with this tournamaent is having FUN! Sportsmanship is a MAJOR part of overall scoring.
Armies do NOT need to be painted, but having painted armies will help as Appearance will be minor part of overall scoring. Appearance will be scored by tournament judges on a very simple scale.
1,000 point Warhammer 40K armies from all Standard Codecies. Currently, IMPERIAL ARMOR AND CHAPTER APPROVED LISTS ARE NOT PERMITTED (Please see below)
We want you to come and have fun and enjoy yourself. This is the perfect environment for new players as well as veterans trying out new lists or new armies. If you are not sure of a list or have a special request, pitch it to us, and we may approve if if it is theme and fluff based and not so much a power-gamer list.
* Black Templars
* Blood Angels
* Chaos Daemons
* Chaos Space Marines
* Dark Angels
* Dark Eldar
* Eldar
* Grey Knights
* Imperial Guard
* Necrons
* Orks
* Sisters of Battle (*White Dwarf Version)
* Space Marines
* Space Wolves
* Tau Empire
* Tyranids
***If you want to use special models or custom "counts as" models, please have them WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), and make sure that they are clearly able to be distinguished amongst other models. If you are not sure, contact the tournament organizer and submit a picture so we can approve or disallow your model.
We want you to come and have fun and enjoy yourself. This is the perfect environment for new players as well as veterans trying out new lists or new armies. If you are not sure of a list or have a special request, pitch it to us, and we may approve if if it is theme and fluff based and not so much a power-gamer list.
* Black Templars
* Blood Angels
* Chaos Daemons
* Chaos Space Marines
* Dark Angels
* Dark Eldar
* Eldar
* Grey Knights
* Imperial Guard
* Necrons
* Orks
* Sisters of Battle (*White Dwarf Version)
* Space Marines
* Space Wolves
* Tau Empire
* Tyranids
***If you want to use special models or custom "counts as" models, please have them WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), and make sure that they are clearly able to be distinguished amongst other models. If you are not sure, contact the tournament organizer and submit a picture so we can approve or disallow your model.
ALL Games will be played on 4' x 4' tables, so expect a lot of bloody action! This is Berks Spring ASSAULT!
You will need Six (6) copies of your army list: 1 for the Tournament Ogranizer, 1 for you , and 1 copy for each of your opponents. If your list is not legal, you will lose points, be asked to leave, or have your scores adjusted as we see fit.
You will need a copy of the 40K rule book, your codex, all dice and templates and rules associated with your army. If you do not have these we will make sure that some are available for purchase from one of our vendors.
We will play 2 rounds, break for lunch and play 2 more games.
Lunch will be included with your entry fee. If you have special dietary needs or are a vegan, please contact us directly so that we can make special arrangements. Catering will be done on site.
We will have 13 prizes available: Best overall, (1, 2, 3, 4), Best Sportsman (1, 2, 3), Best Appearance (1, 2, 3). Best Youngblood (under 16), Best Youngblood Sportsman, and a special award: Player's Choice for best overall army and theme.
We will also recognize Army Domination by best in each codex with a minor prize from one of our sponsors. This will be by codex, not by lumping all space marines into one category. You paid for a seperate codex, so we feel that you should be rewarded by codex.
We will do our best to operate on a tight schedule this year. Last year's event went pretty smoothly, and with more space we are hoping for better transition of movement.
There is a Quality Inn attatched to the Banquet Facility and we are right down the road from the Reading Municipal Airport, and there is a Holiday Inn Express there for those travelling from out of town.
We are going to have around or over 20 sponsors this year and are dilligently working on more swag to hand out to our participants this year. Almost all of our sponsors from last year have returned and are offering even better support as our event continues to grow.

FORCE ORGANIZATION CHART will be modified as follows:

FORCE ORGANIZATION CHART will be modified as follows:
* 1-2 HQ (up to 3 for space wolves)
* 2-6Troops
* 0-2 Elites
* 0-2 Fast Attack
* 0-2 Heavy Support
We will again be hosting our Annual Golden Grot Painting competition. Categories will be listed officially soon but we are looking at: Individual Model, Squad, Vehicle/large creature, and Open Category (anything goes). Winner in each category will receive a small trophy and prize. Models do NOT have to be Warahmmer 40K, but can be from any game system. This is just a chance for you to show off your hobby. The only limitation is that they can not be in your current army list, because they will be on display until round 3.
* Another category this year will be BEST CLUB TABLE. We are inviting all of the participating gaming clubs to assist in supporting the event by 'sponsoring' some tables. To sponsor a table, all your club needs to do is agree to bring terrain to cover 2-4 tables. Show off your club's goods, put up club banners and flags, participate in the event. By helping out, we can fill 35 tables with everyone chipping in a little bit. Some clubs did this last year and it was a great help. This year we will offer a prize to the best presented table by attending clubs.
We will also be having our Basket-Raffles, as that was a big hit last year. Raffle tickets will be available for a variety of prizes donated from our sponsors as well as club members. Last year some of the bigger prizes were a Baneblade tank, and a 1000 points of Grey Knights, and an Imperial Guard Battleforce. Look for similar fun prizes this year
More details to come, so check back on this page often.
Schedule of Events for Berks Spring Assault 3:
- 9:00am Registration till 9:45am.
- 10:00am - 11:30am Round 1 games (90 minutes to play)
- 11:30 Break for 30 min.
- 12:00pm - 1:30pm Round 2 games.
- 1:30pm - 2:30pm Lunch Break
- 2:30pm - 4:00pm Round 3games
- 4:00pm - 4:30pm Break for 30 min
- 4:30pm - 6:00pm Round 4 games
- 6:00pm - 6:30pm Raffles/drawings
- 6:30pm Final awards and prizes.
Pre-Register on PayPal sending payments to this email: Or you may make arrangements to pay me in person.

* KR Multi Case
* Showcase Comics & Games
* RAR Studios
* podcast
* 1-Up Collectibles
* Chapter House Studios
* The War Store
* Gale Force Nine
* HazeKnight Custom Pre-Made Wargame terrain
* Terran Scapes
* Mechanicon Grand Tournament Series
* Iron
* Secret Weapon Miniatures
* Red Dragon Terrain
* Northeast Gamers Hub
* Linglestown Paintball
* Spikey Bitz
* FTW Games (Richmond, VA)
* Litko accessories:
* Dream Pod 9: (makers of Heavy Gear game)
* Turn-8 podcast
* Hooters of Reading (Wyomissing).