Well, this has been a project long on the drawing board that saw itself placed upon the back burner several times. Finally I have my first batch of Lamenters Chapter of Space Marines.

This is my 3rd official army for Warhammer 40,000, and I realized that everyone should have a Space Marines army. I chose this project for several reasons. I wanted to use a Chapter that was true to the 40K Universe, but was not very commonly seen on the table tops. I also happen to like the colors of Yellow & Black together, especially since I am an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan. I also had 'mastered' to some degree, the ability to paint checkerboard patters thanks to my Goff Ork Army (Waaagh Karnage!).
With the latest release from Forgeworld, Imperial Armor 9, there are more details of the Lamenters Chapter in that book, which I just recently purchased. I also enjoy the fluff of the Lamenters story, rebuilding their chapter, so I feel that I have free reign when it comes to building up my forces and story line.

My first batch of Lamenters is far from perfect, but it is still a job well done. I realize now that I should have stripped some of the models, as they were leftovers and hand-me-downs from friends I had collected over the past 2 years.
Currently I have finished a full tactical squad, including a variety of special weapons for the squad. I included the basic Missle Launcher and Flamer, as well as a meltagun and a plasma gun.
I took liberties to have fun with the Plasma gunner and aptly named him "Battle Brother Coppertone, the twice-burned". He is somewhat comically posed with his head turned away from the gun and hand up to block the blast, and his armor and helmet are charred and burnt. I was inspired by a 40K 'motivational poster' I saw on someone's blog.

The Sgt and other 7 marines are all pretty much standard. I typically field this particular squad with a powersword for the Sgt.

I have a Rhino attached to this squad, yet another piece collected from friends over the past year or so. It was already glued shut, so there are no interior details to display here. I used checkerboard templates from my orks as well as tin bitz and boltgun metal to show rust and damage.

Next I added some scouts. I have a 5-man unit of Scouts with Snipers. I used a grey/black urban camouflage pattern for their cloaks. There is one with a missle launcher and a SGT holding the bolt pistol.

I also have a 5-man unit of Assault Scouts with close combat weapons that will arrive to battle on a Landspeeder Storm. The Storm is currently under construction at this time and being painted on the spure.

I have more projects to add to this, still in various stages of painting and construction, including a Land Raider Crusader, Captain, Vindicator Tank, and 10-man Assault Squad without jump packs (to ride in the Land Raider) as well as some Terminators.